홍 슬 기 (Seul Ki Hong)
전공 : 시스템 반도체 소자/Integration
TEL. 02-970-9749
E-Mail : skhong@seoultech.ac.kr
연구실 : 창조관 214-1호
-2015.08 KAIST, Electrical Engineering (Ph.D.)
-2011.02 KAIST, Electrical Engineering (M.S.)
-2009.08 KAIST, Electrical Engineering (B.S.)
- 2022.08 ~ Present Seoul National Univ. of Science and Technology (Assistant Professor)
- 2015.09 ~ 2022.07 Samsung Semiconductor R&D Center
- High-reliability silicon bridge heterogeneous packaging technology for high-efficiency power distribution, National Research Foundation of Korea, (Apr, 2023 ~ Dec, 2027)
- Development of high performance graphene device IC technology, Ministry of Education, Science and Engineering, (Sep, 2010 ~ Aug, 2015)
- Development of composite hybrid device made of organic/inorganic nanomaterials, Ministry of Education, Science and Engineering, (Aug, 2009 ~ Jul, 2014)
- A Study on Graphene synthesis and its properties, Ministry of Education, Science and Engineering, (Jun, 2008 ~ May, 2014)
- Graphene based Nanomaterial, KAIST, (Jan, 2010 ~ Dec, 2010)
- Smart Graphene Sound Speaker, Samsung Electronics, (Jan, 2014 ~ Dec, 2017)
- Development of Hybrid (Organic/Inorganic) Gate Dielectric technology for graphene device, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, (Sep, 2010 ~ Aug, 2011)
- 우수 포스터 논문상 (홍슬기, 봉재훈, 황완식, 조병진), "Vertical Graphene Field-Effect Transistor using Direct Growth Graphene Nanoribbon", The 2nd Korean Graphene Symposium, Buyeo, Korea, Mar 26-27, 2015.
- 기업체(하이닉스) 논문상 (Seul Ki Hong, Ki Yeong Kim, Taek Yong Kim, Joung ho Kim, and Byung Jin Cho), "CVD를 이용한 그래핀의 전자기 차폐효과", 20th Korean Conference on Semiconductors, Hoengsung, Korea, Feb 4-6, 2013.
- 제 17회 휴먼테크 논문대상 동상 (홍슬기, 조병진), "그래핀 기반 유연저항 메모리"
- 우수박사학위 논문상, "고성능 그래핀 소자 집적회로 기술 개발", KAIST, 2016